half penny造句
- Come back again like a half penny
不要它偏又回来 - Among the artifacts found in the area - where a series of forts were built between 1625 and 1780 - was a 1744 george ii half penny in very good condition , city authorities said in a statement
纽约市政管理局在一份声明中说,在1625年至1780年间,炮台遗址所在地区曾修建了多座堡垒,这里发现的众多文物包括仍完好的1744年造乔治二世半便士硬币。 - It's difficult to see half penny in a sentence. 用half penny造句挺难的
如何用half penny造句,用half penny造句,half penny in a sentence, 用half penny造句和half penny的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。